LARA Jay Slovak Base EN

Born: 20.05.2008   Breeding bitch: 13.08.2009
DBK: 0/0 A

PRA rcd 4: Clear
SPKP: 1730
Titles: Interchampion, Champion SR, Juniorchampion SR, Champion RU
Exam: FT – Derby, HU – 7 points – good, JSS – I. price, 226/4
Exhibitions: 30x CACIB, 2x BIS, 2x III. BIS, Junior BIS, 1x BIG, 2x res. BIG, III. BIG, Central – East European Winner 2010, Grand Prix Slovakia Winner 2010, The most successful show dog SKPS 2009

Exhibitions 2018

12.05.2018 KV Slávkov u Brna Veteran class   V1,BOS    Salmon L. /Tal./

Exhibitions 2017

MVP Nitra 14.01.2017 Veteran class: V1   Jursa J. /SK/

Results of exhibitions 2015

CACIB Nitra 29.11.2015 – V2,r.CAC, r.CACIB
CACIB Bratislava 25.10.2015 – V1, CAC, r.CACIB
CACIB Tulln 26.09.2015 – V2, r.CAC, r.CACIB
CACIB Bratislava 23.08.2015 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
CACIB Bratislava 22.08.2015 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS
ŠKV Trnava 09.08.2015 – V1, CAC, BOS, VŠKV
WDS Miláno 11.06.2015 – V
KV Miláno 10.06.2015 – V
KV D.Klátov 17.05.2015 – V1, CAC
KV MSKAO Slavkov 09.05.2015 – V2, r.CAC

Results of exhibitions 2014

KV Radošovce 11.05.2014 – V1, CAC, KV, BOB
KV MSKAO Slavkov 10.05.2014 – V1, CAC
CACIB Nitra 29.03.2014 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB
CACIB Brno 23.02.2014 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Results of exhibitions 2013

CACIB Bratislava 27.10.2013 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS CACIB Tulln, AT 28.09.2013 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOSCACIB Bratislava 18.08.2013 – V1, CAC, CACIB CACIB Bratislava 17.08.2013 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOS CACIB Brno 29.06.2013 – V1, CAC, CACIBCACIB Nitra 2.6.2013 – V1, CAC, res. CACIB

CAC Senec 31.5.2013 – V1, CAC, BOB

KV Radošovce 26.5.2013 – V2, R.CAC

World dog show 2013 – V1, CAC, res.CACIB

CACIB Brno 03.02.2013 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

CACIB Trenčín 26.01.2013 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB

Results of exhibitions 2012

CACIB Nitra – 1.12.2012 – V1, CAC, CACIB CACIB Nitra – 2.12.2012 – V1, CAC, CACIBCACIB Bucharest, RU 05.10.2012 – Bucurest winner, CAC, res.CACIBEuropean dog show 2012 Bucharest, Romania – CAC, res.CACIBCACIB Bratislava 19.08.2012 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOBCACIB Bratislava 18.08.2012 – V1, CAC, CACIBŠKV Trnava 05.08.2012 – V1, CAC, Winner ŠKV, BOB, BISCACIB Brno 04.02.2012 – V2, res. CACCACIB Trenčín 28.1.2012 – V1, CAC, CACIB

Results of exhibitions 2011

CACIB Wels 03.12.2011 – V1, CAC, res. CACIBCACIB Wels 04.12.2011 – V2, res. CACCACIB Nitracanis 19.11.2011 – V1, CAC, CACIBCACIB Nitracanis

20.11.2011 – V1, CAC, CACIBCACIB Komárom 01.10.2011- V1, CAC, CACIB, Hungarian beauty champion CACIB Tull, AT 24.09.2011 – V1, CAC, CACIB,

BOBCACIB Bratislava 20.08.2011 – V1, CAC, CACIBCACIB Bratislava 21.08.2011 – V1, CAC, CACIB Special club show 07.08.2011- V1, CAC, winner

ŠKVCACIB Nitra 05.06.2011- V1, CAC, CACIBCAC Senec 03.06.2011- V1, CAC, BOB, BIG Club show 22.05.2011 Radošovce- V1, CAC, KVCACIB Bratislava

15.05.2011- V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, res. BOGCACIB Bratislava 14.05.2011 – V2, r. CAC, r. CACIBCACIB Gundog show Szilvasvarad, HU 25.04.2011 – V1, CACCACIB Szilvasvarad, HU 24.04.2011 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, 3. BOGClub show Szilvasvarad, HU 23.04.2011 – V1, CAC, KV, BOB, BIS !!!

Setter Derby Österreich 27.03.2011 – V1, CACAS, CACISCAC Nitra 19.03.2011 – V1, CACChampion of Champions SR 05.03.2011 – V1, Victory winner 2011, Best of Queen 2011CACIB Brno 06.02.2011 – V1, CAC, res. CACIBCACIB Brno 05.02.2011 – V1, CAC, res. CACIBCACIB Trenčín 22.01.2011 – V1, CAC, CACIB 

Results of exhibitions 2010

MVP Wels 05.12.2010 –  V1, CAC, res. CACIB
MVP Budapešť 28.11.2010 – V1, CAC, CACIB
MVP Budapešť 27.11.2010 – V1, CAC, CACIB, BOB, III. BIG
MVP Nitra 21.11.2010 – V1, CAC, res. CACIB
Club show Pragersko 02.10.2010 – (open class ) – V2
European dog show 01.10.2010 – (open class ) – V1, CAC
MVP Brno 19.06.2010 – V1, CAC, CACIB
MVP Nitra Grand Prix Slovakia 05.06.2010 – V1, CAC, CACIB, Grand Prix Slovakia Winner 2010
CVP Senec 04.06.2010 – V1, CAC, BOB, BIG, III. BIS
Club show SKPS 23.05.2010 Dunajský Klátov – Exc.1, CAC, club winner
Central-Eastern European Dog Show Bratislava Springduodanube 16.05.2010 – V1, CAC, CACIB, Central – East European Winner
MVP Brno 06.02.2010 – V1, CAC, CACIB

Results of exhibitions 2009

IDS Nitra 06.12.2009 – junior class – excellent 1, CAJC, CACIB, BOB, BOG 2nd place
MVP Doppel CACIB Wels 05.12.2009 – excellent 1, CACA, res. CACIB
MVP CACIB Derby Budapešť 29.11.2009 – excellent 1, CAC, DERBY, CACIB, BOB
World show 2009 – young class – excellent 2
Special club show beside World show 10.10.2009 – junior class – excellent 1, CAJC, Club Winner
MVP Intercanis Brno, ČR – excellent 1, CAC, CACIB.
MVP Grantprix Nitra – excellent 2
IDS Duodanube Bratislava – junior class – excellent 1, CAJC.
MVP Middle East European Winner, A – excellent 1, Jugenbester
MVP Komárom, HU – excellent 1, CAC.
MVP Bundessieger Tulln, A – excellent 1, Bundesjugendsieger
IDS Bratislava Springduodanube 10.05.2009 – junior class – excellent 1,CAJC, The most beautiful young female of the show 3. place
Club show SKPS Dunajský Klátov 2009 – junior class – excellent 1, CAJC, junior club winner, Junior BIS
Club show Slavkov 2009, CZ – junior class – excellent 1, CAJC, young club winner
CVP Senec 05.06.2009 – junior class – excellent 1, CAJC, BOB, BOG 2nd place

CVP Senec 04.06.2010


Club show SKPS 23.05.2010 Dunajský Klátov

V1, CAC, club winner

World dog show 2009

young class – excellent 2

Special club show beside WDS 10.10.2009

V1, CAJC, Club Winner

MVP Bratislava 10.05.2009

V1, CAJC, 3. The most beautiful young bitch of the show